Indian Workers Association (GB) seriously takes a note and condemns Israeli aggression in Gaz and escalating its Operation Protective Edge in the West Bank. The situation is getting bad to worst, in the last few days with the Israeli Defence Minister stating that Israel is,” preparing for a battle against Hamas which will not end within a few days,”
It is reported that more than 85 people, most of them are civilians, have been killed and over hundred are wounded including women and children. As a direct result of Israel’s military drastically escalating its air strike in Gaza and the West Bank, eight members of the same family were killed while another eight were killed in a café while watching World Cup. Children are living in terror unable to sleep at night and many are being treated for shock.
Indian Workers Association (GB) condemns Yigal Palmor, a spokesman for the Israeli foreign ministry, defending Israeli strategy of targeting densely populated areas in Gaza and the West Bank claiming Hamas was firing rockets from within houses and streets and neighbourhoods which are populated with civilians. Israel acts of violence are clearly violating International Laws and should be condemned by all peace loving people all over the world.
Indian Workers Association strongly believes that the atrocity by Israel is not against Hamas but against Palestinian people. The war mongering Israel administration including the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has no plan to stop targeting civilians.
Indian Workers association (GB) call upon British Government to condemn Israel’s acts of aggression and not only those of Palestinian, as our Prime Minister, David Camron, has been quick to voice against the killing of three Israeli students but shied away to condemn the killing of Palestinian student by burning him alive in East Jerusalem.
Indian Workers Association (GB) asks the UN Secretary, Ban Ki Moon, to take an urgent action to stop violence by both side and also to take necessary actions against Israel for violating International Laws.