For nearly 50 years Cuba, a small nation of 11 million people, has been subjected to sustained interference in its internal affairs by the United States. It has suffered military aggression and economic hostility in the form of a trade blockade and the continued presence of a US Navy and Marine base at Guantánamo on Cuban territory.
The US Government in:
1990 set up and funded a TV station, TV Martí, to beam US propaganda at Cuba in contravention of all international broadcasting agreements,
1992 introduced the Torricelli Law which attacks Cuba’ trade with third parties,
1996 introduced the Helms-Burton Law aimed at sanctions against countries, foreign companies and individuals who invest in Cuba.
1998 arrested 5 Cubans who had infiltrated terrorist organisations in Miami to prevent attacks being carried out against Cuba. The Miami 5 remain in separate US jails with some members families denied visiting rights.
2000 introduced a ban on US citizens travelling to Cuba for tourism.
2004/6 release Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba reports, tightening the blockade, restricting the rights of Cuban Americans to visit their families, and a series of measures with the explicit aim of overthrowing the Cuban government.
Despite changes in the US government in 2008, the blockade still exists under President Obama.
The aim of the blockade is to isolate Cuba, strangle it economically and create the conditions for external intervention.
US hostility to Cuba continues despite SEVENTEEN specific UN General Assembly resolutions, passed with overwhelming majorities and almost no opposition, demanding the total, immediate and unconditional lifting of the US blockade. The last vote in 2008 condemned the blockade by 185 -3. The Helms-Burton Law has been condemned by almost every country in the world as an illegal and unacceptable extension of US law outside its territory.
The Cuba Solidarity Campaign is the British campaign against the illegal US blockade of Cuba and for the defence of its peoples’ right to self-determination and national sovereignty.
Thay call for an end to the US trade blockade against Cuba and for the British Government to continue to oppose it.
and believe that the people of Cuba, like any other nation, must be free to decide their own internal affairs without outside interference.
They defend, therefore, Cuba’s right to national sovereignty, independence and self-determination.and call for the normalisation of all diplomatic, economic, cultural and scientific relations with Cuba by the US Government.
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