Hugo Chavez was an epic figure who symbolized the radical transformations taking place in Latin America. He was elected for a fourth term as President just six months ago with a big margin. The Bolivarian revolutionary process which he initiated enabled Venezuela to take control of its destiny by asserting national sovereignty and control over all the vital resources of the country including oil and gas. In the one and a half decades of his presidentship, the Venezuelan people got health facilities, education and literacy as never before. Poverty was drastically reduced.

Chavez was set on taking his country towards socialism. For this, he received the mandate of the people by winning successive elections democratically.

The AIC is extremely saddened to hear that Hugo Chavez, has lost his long battle against cancer. At this hour of grief, the Association of Indian Communists (GB), Indian Workers Association (GB) and the Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) conveys their heartfelt condolences and thoughts go out to his family, friends, comrades and the Venezuelan people who have lost a great leader who gave his life to the cause of social justice and unity in Venezuela and Latin America.
The people of Latin America and anti imperialist world over have lost a most credit worthy commander in chief a friend of the working class and an epitome for advancing socialism.

The death of Hugo Chavez is a big blow to Venezuela and for the Left and progressive forces of Latin America and the world. But his ideas and the path that he chose for Venezuela will endure.

Chavez’s legacy and inspiration will live on through a united Latin America, and its continuing solidarity and commitment to equality and social justice for all the peoples of Latin America and the world. We are confident that the bonds of friendship between people of Venezuela and Cuba will bear testimony to his legacy.

Viva Chavez. Viva Venezuela. Viva anti imperialist solidarity.