The National Conference of the Indian Workers’ Association GB, extended its fraternal Solidarity to the people of Kashmir. A resolution is called for an immediate end to the firing of pellets by the Army, aimed at Indian citizens democratically protesting against the Government policies.Over 80 people mostly youth have been killed, over 400 blinded and 1200 plus seriously injured.
The Government of India must take immediate action to end the State repression and the use of pellet guns. Only then conditions can be created for a political dialogue. The Government must restore confidence among the youth of Kashmir, by implementing the steps suggested by the All Party Parliamentary Group and work towards a lasting political solution. The Government and its institutions should not treat Indian citizens as aliens to their own country. After nearly seventy years of Independence with 3rd – 4th Generation of Indians born to a free India, if there is still a need to demonstrate patriotism and allegiance, then we have surely failed as a nation. No amount of sloganizing or national jingoism is going to fix the problem. India today, requires the political will for understanding, genuine empathy, rational thought and a desire for change for the greater good for the Republic of India.