Derby Branch of the Indian Workers Association (GB) and the Indian Community Centre,Derby organised a cultural evening in order to raise funds for the millions in Kashmir, India, who are suffering from natures outrageous disaster causing the loss of life and livelihood that touched the heart of everyone in the UK. After nearly two months the people of Kashmir have not got their homes back and the cold weather is adding to their misery. They need warm clothes, medicine and moreover they need to rebuild their lives and communities.

IMG_5891Since it’s planning,day by day the event started to turn into a community event and it no longer remained limited to the IWA and Indian Community Centre. It crossed all cultural, political and religious boundaries. It was very moving and encouraging to see the community spirit where everyone was so keen to make it such a successful event.More than four hundred people from all cultures attended the event. It was wonderful to see the Pakistani and Indian communities working together to achieve a common goal to raise the maximum amount for this cause.

The Programme began with a welcoming speech by Cllr Balbir Singh Sandhu, chair of the Indian Community Centre. Followed by Harsev Bains; National Vice President of Indian Workers Association who reminded everyone why we were here and assured people that all the money raised shall be used for helping people of Kashmir.

IMG_5915The cultural programme began with a song by Roop Khatkar, recently acclaimed young British poetess of the year and Bob Uppal played accompanying music. Roop and Bob travelled with their little daughter from Southall, West London. Indian Bhangra Dhole was played by young Sumir Bola. Shakti Arts preformed two dance items that were enjoyed by everyone present. Choreography was done by Neema Gautma-Johal. A group of Indian ladies, headed by Sanjukuta Sahu– sang a patriotic song, Indian Elvis Ball Johal preformed five Elvis songs and one Punjabi song. He was greatly appreciated by the audience particularly the young people. Last but not least Nikita Chauhan – DJ, played Indian Disco Dance Songs and everyone came onto the dance floor. The performance by all artists created an extremely relaxing and enjoyable atmosphere.

450 tickets were sold and generous donations were made by public, Indian Workers Association; Balbir Singh Sandhu, President of Indian Community Centre; Jaswant Rai from Indian Overseas Congress Derby, Sri Guru Ravidas Sikh Temple; Workers from S&A and A Star Clothing, CPB and a large amount was donated by individuals from all communities.

Total fund raised is £10,262.IWA (GB) Secretary Rajinder Bains and Indian Community Centre President Cllr. Balbir Singh Sandhu Derby did thank all participants, donors and those who helped and supported to make the event a big success.In a statement,they mentioned that every credit on the huge success of the event goes to Residents of Derby.